
Thursday, March 1, 2012

going vinyl

Not too long ago my mom inherited this Zenith record player from her parents. We’ve always had a record player in the house but this one is pretty unique and now that I’m home for a few weeks I’m happy to have the opportunity to use it.
Many of my favourite indie bands have been recording their music onto vinyl albums so I decided to order a few and start a collection of my own.
the Head and the Heart and Fleet Foxes - Helpless Blues purchased through sub pop records (source)
There are some things that I absolutely love about buying vinyl:
The Artwork
The packaging provides so much space for artistic expression, from the cover to the interior, the booklet, the sleeves and the record itself. These elements are virtually lost with MP3 but are amplified with the record.

The Tangibility
I think that listening to a record is about the experience as a whole, from taking the vinyl album out of its sleeve to watching it as it turns. I also believe that music on vinyl just sounds better, I love to hear the crackle and watch the wobble.

Analog vs Digital
Digital music is convenient and instantaneous while putting on a record is romantic and inviting. Both of the records that I purchased came with a mp3 download so I really got the best of both worlds.

I’m putting together a small video showing my interaction with this wonderful record player that has been passed down from my grandparents. The video is just for fun but also as practice for me in editing sound and video and using new (to me) final cut pro software (for my current project where I am creating a short documentary film)
So stay tuned for my record player mini film, coming soon!

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